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The Playground

The playground is staffed by qualified playworkers and provides a place where children can play.

The playground is staffed by qualified playworkers and provides a place where children can play.

In our play space children can run around, climb, jump, roll, balance, scream, play with mud and water, get dirty, make things, destroy things, dress up, read, be quiet, be on their own or play in large groups. In other words – be children.

We believe that play is essential in children’s lives, helping them to make sense of themselves and the world around them. Children are actively encouraged to choose what they would like to do, how they would like to do it and how they want to use the resources and space available to them, who they want to be involved, including their friends, other children and/or the playworkers.

By having an environment in which the children are encouraged to explore, experiment, engage in challenging play and taking risks they will gain confidence and self-awareness and try more things out for themselves.

We operate an open access policy. This means that there is no charge for coming to the playground and children aged 7 and over can come and go as they please.

All staff who work for us are trained and competent playworkers whose role is to make professional judgements and to support the children in their play.

Children must be aged 7 and over and need to have a registration form completed for them. The link to our new registration form is here.